
All you need to know about Calling, SMS and Data Roaming.

Roaming allows you to use your mobile phone abroad while billed by SETAR.
Our Roaming plans are available for Postpaid, Hybrid, and Prepaid customers.

Before you go remember to:

  • Store your more frequently dialed numbers in the international format, e.g. +297 5820005
  • Save SETAR’s Customer Care number +297 5820005 in your phonebook

Data use when abroad

The use of data when abroad is not included in your regular data bundle. When you are abroad you are not using SETAR’s network, but the network of another international provider. Everytime you Whatsapp, e-mail, use Facebook or any other Internet action, you are charged by the provider at your destination. This could incur significant charges. SETAR provides you with a variety of options to reduce data roaming expenses.

  • Whenever available, use Wi-Fi.
  • Be careful when streaming or sending video’s to social media sites or contacts.
  • Switch off automatic updates and synchronization on your phone.
  • Download an app to monitor your data usage. iPhone users can go to their general phone settings, press usage and then cellular usage. Android users can download My Data Manager from the Google Play Store.
  • If you want to switch off data roaming on your mobile phone, call *123# and follow the de-activation steps. This will de-activate all data traffic on your phone.
  • Do you want to stay in touch when abroad while controlling your expenses? Purchase a Data Roaming Bundle!

Data Roaming Bundles

Data 500 MB 1 GB 2 GB 5 GB
Duration 7 Days 7 Days 30 Days 30 Days
Price Afl. 40 Afl. 60 Afl. 100 Afl. 150
*SETAR's Data Roaming bundles are purchasable for SETAR Postpaid U, Hybrid, and Prepaid and are applicable for the following countries: Austria, Bonaire, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Peru, Saba Spain, St. Eustatius, St. Maarten, Turkey, USA-continental, and The United Kingdom.

Dutch Kingdom Roaming Bundles

International Roaming Bundles

Data 500 MB 1 GB 3 GB
Outgoing Minutes 30 60 120
Incoming Minutes Free Free Free
SMS 10 30 60
Duration 1 Day 7 Days 30 Days
Price Afl. 7,50 Afl. 15 Afl. 35
*SETAR’s Dutch Kingdom Roaming Bundles are applicable for Bonaire, Curacao, The Netherlands, Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten.
Data 500 MB 1 GB 3 GB
Outgoing & Incoming Minutes 10 30 60
SMS 10 30 60
Duration 1 Day 7 Days 30 Days
Price Afl. 25 Afl. 65 Afl. 140
*SETAR’s International Roaming Bundles are applicable for Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Austria, Peru, Turkey, USA-Continental and The United Kingdom.

SETAR will send you notifications to inform you of your bundle usage. These messages are delivered with a delay, so your actual usage could be higher than mentioned in the SMS. Upon bundle expiration, you will have the option to purchase a new bundle in the SETAR App or turn off data by dialing *123#, or continue using data roaming at the regular rates. Data roaming bundles can be purchased in the SETAR App, Our Online Store and by calling our Customer Service at 139. If you are a Postpaid customer costs will automatically be billed to your account, Hybrid and Prepaid customers will be billed from their core (calling) credit.