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Postpaid A plan to suite every need on the only LTE Network in Aruba. View all Postpaid plans Hybrid The plan that allows you to control your monthly budget. View all Hybrid plans [...]

November 2nd, 2015|

Campaña pa gana 300 florin cash cu MiSETAR ta continua pa unicamente 1 siman mas!

Esaki ta e ultimo siman den cual di e special di MiSETAR unda cu clientenan cu registra y scoge pa ricibi nan cobransa “online only” ta participa pa gana Afl. 300,- CASH! SETAR ta cosechando [...]

October 24th, 2016|Categories: Campaigns, MiSETAR|Tags: , , , |

Relato Interupcion di Servicio Mobile

SETAR ta informa cu ayera alrededor di 7or di anochi, e servicio di yamada y parcialmente di data a afecta tur su clientenan di servicio di celular. Tambe clientenan di data cu excepcion di Cablenet [...]

Interupcion di Servicio di LTE DATA

PostPaid ,Prepaid y Postpaid Hybrid SETAR ta informa cu relaciona cu trabounan riba su red lo tin interupcion di servicio di LTE DATA pa un periodo di 2 ora pa su clientenan di PostPaid, [...]

November 21st, 2016|Categories: Upgrades|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

“Hour of Code” buscando mas boluntario pa e siman di 5 pa 9 di december proximo.

Por aplica como boluntario diasabra durante IPA DAG Preparacionnan ta den full swing pa e Hour of Code na Aruba pero mester di mas boluntario. E reaccion di e scolnan cu e participacion na e [...]

Hour of Code 2016: Kico ta e “Hour of Code”?

Hour of code den tur klas ta un movimiento mundial cu tur aña ta keda organisa den cuadro di e siman di educacion di computer ( Computer Science Education Week). Aki ta na unda [...]

Upgrade riba “Mobile Services”

PostPaid ,Prepaid y Postpaid Hybrid SETAR ta informa cu relaciona cu trabounan riba su red por surgi interupcion cortico di “Mobile Services” pa su clientenan di PostPaid ,Prepaid y PostPaid Hybrid : diaranzon 9 [...]

Relato FSTT Bingo Fundraising Event

Dia 29 di october ultimo FSTT tabata tin su grandioso Fundraising Event pa sostene Cruz Cora Aruba y FSTT nan trabao pa comunidad di Aruba. Cu hopi satisfaccion ta wak cu un anochi sumamente agradabel [...]

November 3rd, 2016|Categories: FSTT, SETAR|Tags: , , , |

Posibel interupcion di servicio di Internet pa motibo di mantencion

Setar ta informa cu pa motibo di trabounan di mantencion riba e red di internet, entre awe dialuna (17 di oktober 2016) mei anochi pa diamars (18 di oktober 2016) 1or di marduga lo por [...]

October 17th, 2016|Categories: Internet|Tags: , , , , |

Pa prome bes un “Education Reboot” pa docente.

Mayan dia 18 di october lo tuma lugar pa prome lo organisa un AVO Conference (Education Reboot). Esaki lo ta un oportunidad unico pa docentenan haya un briefing di e rol di tecnologia den educacion [...]

Interupcion di Servicio di SMS

SETAR ta informa cu relaciona cu trabounan riba su red lo tin interupcion di alrededor di 1 ora di servicionan di SMS pa su clientenan di Postpaid, Prepaid y PostPaid Hybrid. : diaranson 12 di [...]

Carousel di Enseñansa cu un variedad di informacion yen di entretenimento

Actualmente ta tumando lugar e carousel di Enseñansa na Renaissance Conference Center y e docentenan cu a acudi a experiencia además di informacionnan valioso tambe experencia di e dia formidable aki. Informacion tabata varia y [...]

October 10th, 2016|Categories: Campaigns, Community|

Campaña di “Ami ta SETAR” ta continua den full luna di october y special di Internet/Cable TV

SETAR ta sigui cu su campaña pa cliente Prepaid: Ami ta SETAR. Tur cliente cu tin e servicio “prepaid” cu recarga tur siman cu cualkier carchi (5, 10, 15, 25, 35 y 50) ta participa [...]

Dia 1 di october 2016 ta ultimo dia cu por pidi e cambio di DSL pa Cablenet cu e oferta di instalacion gratis.

Clientenan di SETAR cu tin DSL na cas ainda y kier switch nan servicio di DSL pa uno di Cablenet tin te diasabra awor pa haci esaki sin gastonan di instalacion. Despues di 1 di [...]

FOX Sports ta cambia bira BeINSport

SETAR ta informa cu pa motibo di derecho di distribucion den e region di Caribe, FOX Sports, na canal 142 ta keda reemplaza pa BeINSports. BeINSports ta un canal hopi conoci y gusta, specialmente pa [...]

Entrante 1 di december por WhatsApp SETAR na 597 9999

Entrante 1 di december 2016, SETAR lo habri un liña special riba cual clientenan por manda mensahe via WhatsApp pa nan haya asistencia. Algun cos cu SETAR lo asisti cliente via di WhatsApp riba e [...]

November 30th, 2016|Categories: Customer Service|Tags: , , , |

How do I activate the option to pay my bill with Aruba Bank in MiSETAR?

Please watch the video below for information on how to link your Aruba Bank Text Banking and enable payments in MiSETAR.

January 23rd, 2017|

My account balance in MiSETAR is shown as a negative amount (-). What does this mean?

This means that you have a credit on your account. Please contact our Contact Center at 114 for more information.

January 23rd, 2017|

My mobile number is not a SETAR number. Can I still use the pay with Aruba Bank Text banking option?

Yes, all clients that have an active MiSETAR profile and Aruba Bank Text Banking can use this option to pay their SETAR bills.

January 23rd, 2017|

I have Text Banking coupled to my email and I would like to activate the service on my mobile number. What should I do?

Visit one of Aruba Bank’s branches, fill out a form with the mobile number you wish to activate the service with.

January 23rd, 2017|

I have 2 different MiSETAR profiles, can I use the same Text Banking for both simultaneously?

Currently it’s only possible to activate Text Banking for one MiSETAR profile at a time. As long as the accounts you’re trying to pay are in the same MiSETAR profile then you can pay multiple [...]

January 23rd, 2017|

I’ve made a payment but this was unsuccessful. What should I do?

If you’ve received a notification that your payment was unsuccessful, means that there might be an error or inconsistency in your bank information or payment. Please contact Aruba Bank at 527-7700 for more information.

January 23rd, 2017|

I’ve made a successful payment but still see an open balance in MiSETAR. What should I do?

Once you’ve made a payment in MiSETAR and received a success confirmation that means that the payment has been registered by our system. Please allow up to 48 hours for these changes to reflect in [...]

January 23rd, 2017|

What are the requirements to be able to pay your bills in MiSETAR with Aruba Bank?

In order to use the payment option in MiSETAR you will need the following: - An active MiSETAR profile - An active mobile number on which you’re using Aruba Bank Text Banking with you (in [...]

January 23rd, 2017|

SINTERKLAAS ta di Paranda dia 3 di December henter dia na SETAR

Sinterklaas ta train caba con pa traha selfie cu su pietnan, ya cu e ta bai diasabra dia 3 di december proximo e lo ta di paranda bayendo di Teleshop pa Teleshop di SETAR. Lo [...]

November 30th, 2016|Categories: Community|Tags: , |


Postpaid A plan to suite every need on the only LTE Network in Aruba. View all Postpaid plans Hybrid The plan that allows you to control your monthly budget. View all Hybrid plans [...]

January 16th, 2017|

Rignaldo Emer, Silvia Richardson y Guillermo Raymond Ganadornan di SETAR

Durante e prome programa Carnavalesco “DEN DJE” pa Carnaval 63 SETAR a entrega premio na e clientenan ganador di e campaña di fin di aña cu a pasa. E ganador máximo a resulta di ta [...]

January 12th, 2017|Categories: Campaigns, Community|Tags: , , |

SETAR partner principal di SMAC y Musica

SETAR recientemente a firma un contract cu tanto e organizacion di SMAC y MUSICA. Manera ta conoci, tur dos organisacion ta hunga un rol importante pa e exito di nos Carnaval 63 y SETAR ta [...]


E encuesta di SETAR tin unicamente preguntanan tocante e servicio di SETAR. Entrante 1 di december 2016 SETAR lo continua cu e siguiente fase di su encuesta online entre su clientenan. Den e prome [...]

December 9th, 2016|Categories: Campaigns, Customer Service|Tags: , , |



December 8th, 2016|


Cart   [woocommerce_cart]   bye

December 8th, 2016|

SINTERKLAAS hunto cu su Pietnan a haci hopi cliente di SETAR contento durante su Paranda di diasabra.

Sinterklaas a saca selfie cu su pietnan y a haci hopi cliente contento na tur e Teleshopnan di SETAR diasabra cu a pasa, durante su paranda. Tabatin weganan pa e clientenan na unda e ganadornan [...]

December 6th, 2016|Categories: Community|

SETAR invites Aruba to watch the 68th Emmy Awards

This Sunday, fans of the movie world can enjoy one of the major events of the year “The Emmy Awards”. On this special festive night, all actors, actresses, directors, writers and other important stakeholders in [...]

Participa den SETAR Tech Adventure

Ta invita muchanan entre 7 pa 12 aña pa participa den SETAR Tech Adventure! Entre dianan 18 pa 22 di juli 2016 SETAR ta organisa un evento nobo specialmente pa muchanan di 7 pa 12 [...]

July 6th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Ayudo cu registracion pa MiSETAR

Cuminsando awe nos lo bay tin 2 persona den Teleshop Seroe Blanco pa yuda tur cliente registra pa MiSETAR. Esaki ta sin cu bo mester coy number y bo lo ricibi un regalo chikito!   Probecha [...]

July 4th, 2016|Categories: Campaigns|Tags: , |

SETAR ta lansa su Summer Specials

E siman aki SETAR a lansa su campaña anual di Summer Specials, cu e aña aki ta den e tema di ‘Aruba den movecion’. Pa medio di e campaña aki SETAR kier apoya y enfoca [...]

June 28th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Postpaid U Local rates - Old Plans

Plan Min S-S Mobile Min Intern & S fixed & other providers SMS S-S Data Out-of-bundle rates Out-of-bundle rates other providers Afl. 111 3000* 100 1000* 12 GB 0,53/0,37  0,64/0,48 Afl. 132 3000* 150 1000* [...]

June 26th, 2016|

Christmas Brochure 2018

[wp-booklet id=7596] Click here to download pdf.

June 27th, 2016|

Trabounan di mantencion riba e servicio di SMS awenochi

SETAR ta informa cu relaciona cu trabounan riba su red lo tin interupcion di alrededor di 1 ora di servicionan di SMS pa su clientenan di Postpaid, Prepaid y PostPaid Hybrid. : Diahuebs 23 di [...]

June 22nd, 2016|Categories: Alerts|Tags: , , , , , |

Awe ta Dia mundial di Wi-Fi

Awe 20 di juni ta e dia mundial di Wi-Fi. Un dia dedica pa reconoce y celebra e papel  importante cu Wi-Fi tin den bida di hende. Atraves di diferente proyectonan inovativo Wi-Fi ta conecta [...]

Awe e siman di SETAR Tech Adventure a cuminsa!

E tan anticipa SETAR Tech Adventure a cuminsa y ta trata di un evento nobo nobo specialmente pa muchanan di 7 pa 12 aña cu tin interes den tecnologia, sciencia y inovacion. E prome grupo [...]

TV Guide

This option will not work correctly. Unfortunately, your browser does not support inline frames.

June 15th, 2016|

SETAR y CMB ta trece Copa America pa clientenan di Cable Digital!

SETAR y CMB ta contento di anuncia cu clientenan di Cable Digital por disfruta di tur e weganan di Copa America 2016 riba canal 101 y canal 340 den HD. E campeonato di Latino America [...]

Trabounan di mantencion riba 3G Data awenochi

Setar ta informa cu pa motibo di mantencion riba e plataforma di Mobiel, entre awe nochi 11pm (dia 8 di juni 2016) pa diahuebs 1or di marduga (dia 9 di juni 2016) por surgi interupcion [...]

ATECH su Aruba Hackathon 2016 ta “powered by SETAR”

E fenomeno di Hackathon a keda introduci aña pasa na Aruba door di e compania Co.Lab cu ta organisadornan tambe di e ATECH Conference na Aruba. SETAR ta join un biaha mas e tremendo Aruba [...]

Trabounan di mantencion lo tuma lugar awe diamars mei anochi.

Setar ta informa cu pa motibo di mantencion riba e plataforma di Internet, entre diamars mei anochi (dia 7 di juni 2016) pa diaranzon 4or di mainta (dia 8 di juni 2016) tin interupcion di [...]

June 7th, 2016|Categories: Alerts|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Trabounan di mantencion lo tuma lugar diadomingo mei anochi.

Setar ta informa cu pa motibo di mantencion riba e plataforma di Internet lo tin interupcion di servicio entre diadomingo mey anochi (dia 5 di Juni 2016) pa dialuna (dia 6 di Juni 2016) 4or di [...]

June 3rd, 2016|Categories: Alerts|Tags: , , , , , , |

SETAR Tech Adventure Gallery

July 18th, 2016|Categories: Community, SETAR|Tags: |

SETAR introduces its “Self Service Kiosk”

The SETAR Self Service Kiosk is a project where SETAR jointly with Aruba Bank and a Canadian Company worked together to develop a unique SETAR Self Service Kiosk where the customer can walk up to [...]

September 14th, 2016|Categories: Community, SETAR|Tags: , , , , |

SETAR History

SETAR logo, 1986-2003 SETAR logo. 2003-2016 SETAR renewed branding 2015 The history of SETAR dates back to 1986 when Aruba acquired its Status Aparte in the Dutch Kingdom. Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba (SETAR) was [...]

September 12th, 2016|

Campaña “Ami ta SETAR” ta sigui pa 2 luna mas!

Debi na e exito grandi cu e campaña “Ami ta SETAR” a causa e ultimo lunanan, SETAR a dicidi di extende e campaña cu dos luna mas, pues lo e termina te cu dia 31 [...]

SETAR y Stingray cu homenahe na Juan Gabriel

Manera ta conoci, diadomingo mundo a ricibi e tristo noticia di e fayecimento di e “Divo di Juárez” Juan Gabriel. Un persona cu a impresiona y a transcende den tur generación y sigur su cancionnan [...]

SETAR ta introduci Animal Planet den High Definition

SETAR ta contento di introduci e canal Animal Planet den e formato di High Definition, cortico yama HD. Animal Planet ya caba ta existente riba e lineup di Cable, riba canal 68 den Standard Definition. [...]

Trabounan di mantencion riba e servicio di CABLENET awenochi.

Setar ta informa cu pa motibo di trabounan di mantencion, awe diaranzon (24 di augustus 2016) mei anochi pa diahuebs (25 di augustus 2016) 3or di marduga lo por tin interupcion di servicio di Internet [...]

August 24th, 2016|Categories: Internet, SETAR|Tags: , , , , |

SETAR yegando fase final di e proyecto di cambio di DSL pa Cablenet.

Oranjestad - E proyecto di cambia conexion di DSL pa Cablenet na tur cas na Aruba ta drentando su fase final. Mayoria cliente di SETAR a haci e cambio caba y ta gosando di e [...]

August 22nd, 2016|Categories: Internet, SETAR|Tags: , , , , , |

SETAR, CMB y ATA a uni pa presenta un ATECH Conference 2016 pa kibra tur record!

Durante un conferencia di prensa recientemente, e team di ATECH hunto cu Setar, CMB y ATA e main sponsornan, a anuncia e gran conferencia di ATECH cu lo tuma lugar dianan 15, 16 y 17 [...]

August 18th, 2016|Categories: SETAR|Tags: , , , , , |

Interupcion di Servicio di Cablenet na San Barbola, Tanki Leendert, Modansa y Jaburibari awe nochi.

Setar ta informa cu pa motibo di trabounan di mantencion riba e red di cablenet, entre diamars (19 di juli 2016) 12or di anochi pa diaranson (20 di juli 2016) 2or di marduga lo por [...]

July 19th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

SETAR cu encuesta online pa midi satisfaccion di cliente.

Entrante diamars dia 2 di augustus 2016, SETAR lo cuminsa cu un encuesta online como metodo di sondeo di e satisfaccion di su clientenan. Den e prome fase, clientenan postpaid cu tin un e-mail adres [...]

August 1st, 2016|Categories: Campaigns, SETAR|Tags: , |

Women in Leadership conference 2016

ATIA conhuntamente cu Aruba Bank y Setar Nv. a anuncia e di 5 edicion di e “Women In Leadership Conference” cu lo tuma luga dia 26 di Augustus proximo na Marriott Resort & Stelaris [...]


Roaming All you need to know about Calling, SMS and Data Roaming. Roaming allows you to use your mobile phone abroad while billed by SETAR. Our Roaming plans are available [...]

July 27th, 2016|

Prepaid Roaming

Prepaid Roaming All you need to know about Calling, SMS and Data Roaming. Roaming allows you to use your mobile phone abroad while being billed by SETAR. Before [...]

July 27th, 2016|


July 27th, 2016|

Te cu dialuna 1 Augustus 2016 tin chens pa haci cambio di nomber pa e Buki di Telefon 2017

E aña aki por haci cambionan pa buki di Telefon te cu dialuna 1 augustus 2016. Si e nomber di negoshi of di cliente no ta aparece of no ta corectamente den buki di telefoon, [...]

July 21st, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

SETAR ta introduci pago di cobransa via MiSETAR cu Aruba Bank

SETAR cumpliendo cu su compromiso pa haci e bida di su clientenan mas facil, ta introduci otro manera pa haci pago di e cobransa(nan) di SETAR awor den MiSETAR. E opcion nobo aki ta haci [...]


Other topics Mobile Internet Digital Cable Fixed line Billing MiSETAR General Need our help? Contact Us. Need help with our services? Check here all contact options. Contact overview [...]

September 25th, 2017|

How to Update Lenovo B (A2016) device

In order to update your Lenovo B device please follow these steps: · Settings · Connect to Wi-Fi · Scroll full abou bai den “About Phone” · System update (Download & install software)

September 25th, 2017|

RBC-SETAR Thesis Award 2016-2017 pa Mandy Lacle

Diamars dia 5 di september 2017, Mandy Lacle a bira e di 3 studiante cu ta ricibi e RBC-SETAR Thesis award. A selecta Mandy pa e prestigioso premio di RBC-SETAR pasobra su tesis ta bon [...]

September 25th, 2017|Categories: Community, SETAR App|Tags: |

Coleganan di SETAR a pone man hunto colecta placa pa traha pakete pa manda St. Maarten via Cruz Cora Aruba.

Diadomingo ultimo, coleganan di SETAR a bini hunto pa un “food drive effort” pa Sint Maarten. A prepara 101 caha di articulonan basico cu via Cruz Cora Aruba a manda pa Sint Maarten. E coleganan [...]


August 28th, 2017|


Manage your mobile use with the SETAR App: Track your Mobile Usage (Data, Voice & SMS) Purchase Add-ons or Bundles (Such as Roaming or Data) Recharge Prepaid and Hybrid Easier Than Before Add and [...]

August 25th, 2017|

CARIBBEAN CABLE & TELECOMMUNICATIONS ASSOC. via SETAR a haci donacion di $1,000 na Fundacion pa Hende Muhernan den Dificultad na Aruba

Debi na e generosidad di e programa special di e organisacion: Caribbean Cable and Telecommunications Association (CCTA), Fundacion pa Hende Muher den Dificultad a ricibi e suma di $1,000 como donacion pa e shelter. Fundacion [...]

A saca ganadornan di exitoso competencia di arte “Cover your World” di SETAR

E projecto di SETAR “Cover your World” a haya hopi bon acogida y un total di 85 hoben a participa. Diabierna ultimo a saca e ganadornan cual a resulta den categoria di 6 pa 12 [...]

SETAR ta invita un y tur pa pasa admira e obranan di arte di nos muchanan.

E siman aki ta e siman final di e competencia di arte riba covernan di Telefon Cellular cu SETAR a organisa pa e temporada di vakantie durante cual muchanan den un manera di entretene nan [...]

SETAR contribuyendo cu tasnan di scol na Fundacion Creciendo.

Roxana Ras hefe di Mercadeo di SETAR a haci entrega di 100 tas di scol na Joasy van der Biest representante di e Fundacion Creciendo. Como cu vakantie ta casi full trai lomba y aña [...]

SETAR ta introduci canalnan extra riba e lineup di Cable Digital

SETAR ta contento di anuncia cu ta bay amplia e channel lineup di Cable Digital. Esaki ta na beneficio di clientenan pa disfruta di mas canal High Definition (HD) cu ta duna un mihor calidad [...]

SETAR Store Celebrando 5 aña

Dia 28 di juli 2012 SETAR Store a habri su portanan cu un concepto completamente nobo na Aruba. SETAR semper ta e promer pa trece e ultimo den tecnologia y innovacion pa nos comunidad. Durante [...]

SETAR Complete Channel Lineup

Channel line-up Enhance your vision with more HD channels and great variety of our new channel lineup, scroll to view below or Download pdf 1 Video On Demand 2 CNN [...]

July 27th, 2017|


TVEverywhere Apps Enhance your Digital Cable experience with our TVEverywhere apps. View available apps TV Everywhere is a service that allows subscribers to access content on their device through an Internet [...]

July 31st, 2017|

SETAR ta conseha pa clientenan controla nan dato pa e ta corecto den Buki di Telefon 2018

SETAR ta recorda tur abonado cu si pa un of otro motibo e number, nomber of adres di e cliente no ta corecto actualmente den buki di telefoon 2017, cu por haci e cambionan necesario [...]

July 7th, 2017|Categories: SETAR|Tags: , , , |

ARUBA HI-WINDS cla pa su di 31 edicion powered by SETAR

SETAR a sostene e ultimo 20 aña Aruba Hi-Winds cual ta un evento popular cu ta pone Aruba riba mapa mundial di deporte contando cu participantenan di Merca, Europa y Caribbean. Kiteboarding a bira un [...]

July 4th, 2017|Categories: Community|Tags: , , |

SETAR ta introduci SETAR APP pa cliente por maneha su cuenta di celular mihor.

SETAR ta introduci su SETAR App. Keda na haltura di e uzo di bo minuut, SMS y data, recarga bo prepaid facilmente door di scan bo caarchi prepago cu bo camara di celular, cumpra bundles, [...]


November 3rd, 2017|

Interupcion di servicio di Cablenet debi na mantencion diahuebs dia 30 di november 2017

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di upgrading riba e red lo tin interupcion di servicio di cablenet: diahuebs 30 di november entre 1:00 am pa 5:00 am E barionan cu lo keda afecta [...]

SETAR a haci donacion na Mary Joan Foundation Aruba.

Recientemente sra. Arabella Reyes president di Mary Joan Foundation Aruba a ricibi un cheque simbolico for SETAR como donacion. Durante luna di october SETAR a bin cu e idea pa yuda Mary Joan Foundation cu [...]

November 27th, 2017|Categories: Community, SETAR App|Tags: , , |

faq setar complete

Other topics Mobile Internet Digital Cable Fixed line Billing MiSETAR General Need our help? Contact Us. Need help with our services? Check here all contact options. [...]

November 23rd, 2017|

SETAR treciendo ambiente cu musica di temporada di fin di aña

December ta un dushi temporada, yena cu bishita, cuminda, fiesta, regalo y mucho mas. Y nada mas dushi pa por tin e musica special pa e temporada cu ta aserca. P’esey SETAR hunto cu Stingray [...]

Huawei Mi-Fi Quick Start Guide

You've just purchased your new Huawei Mi-Fi. Download the manual to get started: Click here to Download

November 16th, 2017|

Interupcion di Servicio di canalnan HD riba Cable.

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di mantencion riba e red di Cable TV lo tin interupcion di mayoria canalnan HD riba e servicio di Cable TV: Diahuebs dia 9 di november 2017 entre [...]

Interupcion di servicio di VOD (Video On Demand)

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di upgrading riba e plataforma di VOD lo tin interupcion di servicio dia 8 di november 2017 entre 2or pa 4or di marduga. Debi na esaki usuarionan di [...]


November 3rd, 2017|


Manage your mobile use with the SETAR App: Track your mobile usage Purchase Add-ons or Bundles Recharge easier than before Get our latest news updates Login to MiSETAR and view your accounts Allow notifications to [...]

October 31st, 2017|


October 31st, 2017|

Interupcion di Servicio di 3G VOICE Y DATA

SETAR ta informa cu relaciona cu trabounan riba su red lo tin interupcion di servicio di VOICE Y DATA pa un periodo di 30 minuut pa su clientenan di PostPaid ,Prepaid y PostPaid Hybrid. : [...]

SETAR ta lansa canalnan di radio riba Cable Digital

Durante un anochi ameno na Oxygen Lounge SETAR a lansa e servicio di stacionnan di radio riba Cable Digital. Presente na e ocasion tabata gerencia di e radio stacionnan, gerencia di SETAR y e team [...]

SETAR cu “FREE Preview” riba canalnan di FOX Premium

SETAR conhuntamente cu FOX ta anuncia cu awe 19 di october te cu 22 di october, tur cliente di Cable Digital cu no tin FOX Premium den nan pakete por disfruta di e canalnan aki [...]

SETAR cu su campaña “Share Your Joyous Moments”

SETAR ta lanza su campaña di “Share Your Joyous Moments”. SETAR ta invita tur cu kier comparti momentonan special pa haci esaki, sea ta cu un potret, un video, of simplemente scirbi e storia di [...]

Interupcion di servicio di Cable TV y Cablenet

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di instalacion y mantencion riba e sistema lo tin interupcion di e servicio di Cable TV y Cablenet pa aproximadamente 2 ora dianan: diaranson 11 di october 2017 [...]

Cover Your World

          Crea e smartphone cover mas artistico y participa pa gana diferente premio na un suma di Afl.1500,-. Pa participa ta facil, lo ta [...]

July 3rd, 2017|

ESPN Play riba plataforma di TV Everywhere di SETAR

SETAR ta contento di anuncia cu tur cliente di Cable Digital ta haya acceso na disfruta di e servicio di ESPN Play riba nan celular of tablet sin costo adicional. ESPN Play ta laga bo [...]

SETAR a entrega premionan cash na scolnan ganador di Concurso di Pintamento “Nos Himno Y Bandera”.

Diahuebs dia 16 di maart, representantenan di SETAR y di Comision Celebracion Dianan Nacional a sali pa entrega diferente scolnan ganador y muchanan ganador di e competencia di Pintura escolar en conexion cu Celebracion di [...]

SETAR ta anuncia “Free Preview” dia 23 pa 26 di maart y alabes ta informa di e cambio di FOX+ pa FOX Premium

Pa un mihor servicio di produccion, e pakete di FOX+ ta cambia pa FOX Premium, canalnan 220 pa 229 y den HD 420 pa 424. Esaki ta pa por duna un mihor variacion di programacion, [...]

SETAR cu mas canal pa transmiti World Baseball Classic

E weganan di World Baseball Classic ta birando mas y mas interesante, specialmente cu Hulanda ta dunando su mihor durante e weganan. Nos por wak con nos Arubianonan ta briya riba e tereno. Pa no [...]

Data Center Appointment

hello bye

March 14th, 2017|

St. Paulus School a Sali Ganador den SETAR Jingle Dance Campaign

Tabata mainta yena cu alegria, baile y sorpresa ora cu St. Paulus School a ricibi su premio como ganador di e SETAR Dance Campaign. Esaki tabata un competencia di video den cual por a participa [...]

SMS e palabra SETAR pa number 250 y gana 4 tickets pa presencia wega di World Baseball Classic

Fanaticonan di baseball tur ta bezig ta sigui e weganan di World Baseball Classic riba Cable Digital, canal 100 y den HD 355, specialmente pa sostene nos Arubianonan hungando pa e Reino Hulandes. Como un [...]

Usher, Faith Evans y Mary J Blidge den Aruba Soul Beach Festival!

Usher, Faith Evans, Mary J Blidge y Cedric the Entertainer ta algun di e artistanan cu lo presenta durante e proximo Soul Beach Festival na Aruba riba fechanan 26, 27 y 28 di mei. Keda [...]

SETAR cu World Baseball Classic riba Cable Digital riba canal 100 y HD 355

SETAR ta contento di anuncia cu lo bay pasa tur e weganan di World Baseball Classic (WBC) riba Cable Digital, riba canal 100 y den HD 355. Loke ta haci e World Baseball Classic interesante [...]

“FOX Deportes” awor riba canal 142 di Cable

SETAR ta informa cu pa motibo di derechonan di transmission den Caribe, FOX Sports, canal 142, ta bira FOX Deportes. FOX Deportes ta un canal amplio cu programacionnan amplio y diversifica, cu ta inclui UEFA [...]

“Confiansa den bo mes” tabata e topico di SETAR Business Event 2017

Durante e “Business Event 2017” director di SETAR, Roland Croes, a repasa e prestacion di e compania SETAR, durante 2016 den presencia di invitadonan. E retonan pa 2017 ta continua cu constante desaroyonan nobo na [...]

Mantencion di Mobile Services Postpaid ,Prepaid y Hybrid

SETAR ta informa cu relaciona cu trabounan riba su red lo por tin interupcion cortico di “Mobile Services” pa su clientenan di PostPaid ,Prepaid y PostPaid Hybrid. : dialuna 20 di februari 2017 12:00 am [...]

Bukinan di Telefon 2017 reparti pa tur cas na Aruba

Durante e dianan aki e Buki di Telefon 2017 a keda reparti pa tur casnan y negoshinan rond Aruba. Post Aruba NV ta haci entrega di e buki telefonnan via adres of postbus. SETAR ta [...]

February 17th, 2017|Categories: Community|Tags: , , |

E ganadoronan di Roadmarch y Calypso Infantil y Hubenil di Aruba a ricibi regalo di SETAR

SETAR como un di e patrocinadornan principal di Aruba su Carnaval recientemente a invita e ganadornan di Roadmarch y Calypso Infantil y Hubenil pa duna nan un regalo extra pa motivanan pa continua cu nan [...]

SMS Voting Reina Grandi y Sra. Carnaval

E votacion ta habri 7 feb 2017 11:00 am via SMS y lo sera diabierna dia 10 feb 2017 pa 11:00 pm. Vota pa reina Grandi di SETAR 2017. Manda un SMS cu [...]

SETAR su t-shirtnan di Aruba su Carnaval Creando Conexion den 63

Mirando con carnaval ta evoluciona SETAR a inspira den e modernismo cu e hoben nan ta trece den nos carnival. E diseño di SETAR pa Carnaval 63 ta inspira riba enfoque di un era nobo. [...]

January 27th, 2017|Categories: Carnaval 63|Tags: , , , |

Sony Pictures y Warner cu serienan grandi riba Video On Demand di SETAR

SETAR, Sony Pictures Television Networks, Warner Bros y HBO ta contento di anuncia e lansamento di contenido di VOD di Canal Sony, AXN, y Warner pa tur cliente di Cable Digital di SETAR. E contenido [...]

SETAR Complete

SETAR Complete Our best home services in one plan. View our SETAR Complete plans Download our channel line-up here SETAR Complete plans Unifying Internet, TV, and Voice [...]

June 29th, 2017|

Orario adapta pa Teleshop Seroe Blanco 23 di Juni 2017

SETAR N.V. ta informa su clientenan cu diabierna, dia 23 di juni 2017 Teleshop Seroe Blanco su orario lo ta 7:45 am pa 1:00 pm.

June 22nd, 2017|Categories: SETAR, SETAR App, Teleshop|Tags: |

Awe nochi debi na trabounan necesario posibel Interupcion di Servicio di DATA

PostPaid, Prepaid y Postpaid Hybrid SETAR ta informa cu relaciona cu trabounan riba su red por surgi interupcion di servicio di DATA pa su clientenan di PostPaid ,Prepaid y PostPaid Hybrid: Entre awe diaranson [...]

Registracion pa tester

Tester SETAR App

May 24th, 2017|

Update di servicionan, webmail, USSD*123# y MiSetar durante oranan di marduga entre diasabra y diadomingo.

SETAR ta informa cu pa motibo di trabounan di mantencion tin interupcion diasabra anochi (20 di mei 2017 00:00) pa diadomingo (21 di mei 2017) 4 am di e siguiente servicionan: - Webmail (E usuario [...]

May 19th, 2017|Categories: Upgrades|Tags: , , , , , |

Dia Mundial di Telecomunicacion y Sociedad di Informacion

E tema di e aña aki pa Dia Mundial di Telecomunicacion y Sociedad di Informacion ta: "Big Data for Big Impact," (Data Grandi pa Impacto Grandi). Esaki ta enfoca riba e poder di Data pa [...]

SETAR a forma parti di hurado pa e exitoso Hackaton Oranjestad

SETAR como compania inovativo a forma parti di e hurado den persona di Suzy Maduro, pa e tremendo Hackaton Oranjestad cu a tuma lugar diasabra dia 13 di mei 2017. Bureau Innovatie, Camara di Comercio [...]

Trabaonan di mantencion

Setar ta informa cu pa motibo di mantencion lo tin un interupcion diasabra anochi (13 di mei 2017 00:00) amaneciendo diadomingo (14 di mei 2017 04:00) di e servicio nan: - Webmail, ricibi hosted e-mails [...]

Cambio di canal UFC Network pa Fighting Sports Network

Televisa, e compania cu ta provee SETAR cu e canal di UFC Network a haci un cambio den nan structura di programacion paasina amplia e diferente eventonan di MMA, cu no ta solamente UFC. E [...]

April 8th, 2017|Categories: Digital cable, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

SETAR orguyoso di unabes mas ta sponsor di e seminario pa Rotaract Club of Aruba.

SETAR ta orguyoso di unabes mas ta un di e sponsornan official di e seminario organisa pa Rotaract Club of Aruba, YOU Inc. 2017. E seminario aki lo cubri differente topico manera con pa ta [...]

Donacion di un Van segunda mano na e fundacion Crijojo Trappers.

E fundacion aki ta ehecuta un programa structura cu cooperacion di veterinarionan cual ta encera captura, sterilisacion y liberacion di pushi y cacho bek riba caya. Esaki cu e meta di yuda alivia e molester [...]

Parada Cultural diadomingo 28 di mei 2017 ta sali di La Cabana pa Paseo Herencia.

Durante un conferencia di Prensa teni na Paseo Herencia Pure Aruba Events Foundation hunto cu Centro di Bario Brazil a anuncia e parada cultural cu lo tuma lugar diadomingo proximo dia 28 di mei saliendo [...]

May 8th, 2017|Categories: Community|Tags: |

FSTT y PEVESA a haci un bunita gesto pa otronan cu nan celebracion di Dia di Labor

En conexión cu e celebración di dia di labor, STT su miembronan di FSTT y tambe miembronan di PEVESA cu ta e club di actividad a sali dia 26 di april 2017 cu e lema: [...]

SETAR presente na e Expo di e Conferencia di Hefenan di Polis den Caribe.

Durante e Conferencia di tur hefenan di Polis di Caribe cu a tuma lugar na Aruba, SETAR a presenta su productonan cu e tin den e exposicion cu tabata andando na mes momento. SETAR a [...]

SETAR sumamente satisfecho cu e logro di MUSICA

Durante e conferencia di prensa teni door di Stichting MUSICA sra. Shahaira Labad hefe di mercadeo di SETAR a expresa e satisfacción cu den un tempo hopi cortico después di Carnaval, ya a ricibi e [...]

SETAR ta start campaña special pa prepaid: Ami ta SETAR!

Cu e campaña “Ami ta SETAR” cliente prepaid por gana premionan instantáneo. Tur cliente cu ta usa e servicio prepaid di SETAR y cu recarga cu cualkier carchi (di valornan di 5, 10, 15, 25,35 [...]

Internet, Fixed & TV

Internet Fastest Home Internet plans With our Internet plans you are assured of the fastest and most reliable Internet service. View our Cablenet plans Compose your Internet Plan TV Digital Cable packages We offer you six [...]

November 2nd, 2015|

faq internet

Other topics Mobile Internet Digital Cable Fixed line Billing MiSETAR General Need our help? Contact Us. Need help with our services? Check here all contact options. Contact overview [...]

February 23rd, 2016|

What procedure does SETAR follow if a service is (temporarily) suspended?

As soon as the payment due date has passed, your service can be suspended temporarily until your payment obligations have been met. Resumption of services requires proof of payment on the bill(s) in question. SETAR will charge [...]

March 7th, 2016|

What methods of payment does a Teleshop accept?

You can pay in cash (Aruban florins, US Dollars), and credit and debit cards in the Teleshops. Of course, we accept SETAR gift cards as well.

March 7th, 2016|

Why do we recommend customers to use Direct Debit instead of Standing Orders?

With Standing Orders, your chosen bank will make a fixed payment. The amount will be the same each month, while your invoice may vary from month to month depending on the usage. If you apply [...]

March 7th, 2016|

How can I arrange direct debit payments for my bills?

You can do this in the following two ways: Preferred method: By asking for Direct Debit at one of the SETAR Teleshops. Customers with an Aruba Bank or Banco di Caribe N.V. account can apply [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Where can I find my customer number?

Your customer number can be found between the 2 dashes at the top of the bill.

March 7th, 2016|

What do the letters SMS mean on my bill?

These letters stand for the services you buy via SMS, such as news reports, etc.

March 7th, 2016|

At what point will my account be suspended if I have outstanding payments?

This is done every month within 1 to 2 weeks of a payment due date being missed.

March 7th, 2016|

How can I make sure that my bills are paid on time if I haven’t received an invoice through the mail?

To ensure that you can pay your bills on time and to avoid having to pay a late fee, you can: Preferred method: Sign up for MiSETAR. MiSETAR gives you an overview of all your [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Can I setup a payment plan?

Yes, that's possible if you have an outstanding balance. In order to setup a payment plan you need to visit our Teleshop in Seroe Blanco. Please be sure have you the following documents with you: [...]

March 7th, 2016|


The most personalized Postpaid Mobile Plans on Aruba’s most Advanced LTE network. The most personalized Postpaid Mobile Plans on Aruba’s most Advanced LTE network. You have access to the number [...]

March 4th, 2016|

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions The terms in English are for reference only. Dutch versions are legally binding unless stated otherwise. Algemene Voorwaarden Telecommunicatiediensten (Dutch) Voorwaarden Mobiele Telecommunicatiediensten (Dutch) Voorwaarden Kabeltelevisiediensten (Dutch) Voorwaarden Vaste Breedbanddiensten (Dutch) [...]

February 25th, 2016|


General Disclaimer items applicable to all products and services on this website. Copyright © 2000 - 2016 SETAR NV, Aruba. All website design, text, graphics, and the selection and arrangement thereof are the copyrighted works [...]

February 25th, 2016|

faq fixed

Other topics Mobile Internet Digital Cable Fixed line Billing MiSETAR General Need our help? Contact Us. Need help with our services? Check here all [...]

February 23rd, 2016|

How come there is a difference between the charges on my phone plan(s) and the actual usage ?

Your monthly subscription costs are billed beforehand for the month that follows, and the actual usage is billed the month after.

March 7th, 2016|

faq mobile

Other topics Mobile Internet Digital Cable Fixed line Billing MiSETAR General Need our help? Contact Us. Contact overview [...]

February 23rd, 2016|

When do I get my first bill after registering for a new service?

That depends on the date you signed the contract. You need to pay each bill before the due date which is specified on your invoice. In some instances, for example if you’ve signed up for [...]

February 23rd, 2016|

What's the payment due date for an invoice and will I be penalized for late payment?

The payment due date is specified on the bill. If you pay after this due date you will receive a late fee charge of Afl. 16 for every bill which is not paid on time.

February 23rd, 2016|


Welcome to SETAR Support We are here to help. If you have a question, please browse the topics below or contact us. Show topics Select the topic you need [...]

February 22nd, 2016|


February 21st, 2016|

Are the settings correct?

Go to your telephone, tablet or computer settings and follow these steps: SSID: wifiaruba WEP encryption: Off TCP/IP settings for your wireless card or device: “Obtain an IP Automatically” “Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically”

February 4th, 2016|

How does it work?

Now please do the following: Go to a SETAR hotspot location Go to your Wi-Fi settings and select “wifiaruba” Please open your web browser On the welcome page, please select the option Prepaid Card or [...]

February 4th, 2016|

How fast is the connection?

The technology of Wi-Fi is 11 Mbps fast. In theory this is 196 times faster than a dial up modem of 56 Kbps. Due to different factors like the speed of the servers, websites and [...]

February 4th, 2016|

How do I access the internet?

Network settings must be settled at DHCP and the DNS must be left empty. "WEP" must be disabled. No username or password required, just when in the area of a Wi-Fi Aruba hotspot, open your [...]

February 4th, 2016|

Where can I access the wireless network?

At one of the Wi-Fi Aruba hotspots.

February 4th, 2016|

What do I need to access the wireless network?

You will need to have a laptop, tablet or any other Wi-Fi enabled device.

February 4th, 2016|

What is a hotspot?

A hotspot is a place covered by a wireless internet connection. We refer to each of our different coverage locations as "hotspots".

February 4th, 2016|

Where can I pay my bill?

At a Government auxiliary office (Hulpsbestuurkantoor): All these offices are able to accept payments for SETAR services. To make payments for any SETAR service please be sure to bring your invoice with you. At a bank: All commercial [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Is it possible to request a list of numbers I've called?

Yes, this is possible. This costs an extra Afl. 5 and can be requested at any SETAR Teleshop. Do not forget to take a valid identification document with you. Would you like to authorize someone [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Channel line-up

Channel line-up Enhance your vision with more HD channels and great variety of our new channel lineup, scroll to view below or Download pdf 1 Video On Demand 2 WGN [...]

February 2nd, 2016|

Do I need a separate Cable box for each TV?

Yes. In order to watch Digital Cable you will need a separate Cable box for each TV.

March 9th, 2016|

How can I check whether my DSL is working at optimum speed?

There are different ways to test your Internet speed. We recommend visiting Speedtest and following the steps on this site. The optimum Internet speed that your device can reach is dependent on several external factors, such [...]

March 9th, 2016|

Do I need a Fixed Line for DSL?

Yes, a Fixed Line is required when using DSL.

March 9th, 2016|

I want to return my Digital Cable box, how should I do this?

You can return your Digital Cable box to any SETAR Teleshop. Do not forget to bring a valid identification document with you (ID card, driver's license or passport).

March 9th, 2016|

What is Video On Demand?

With Video On Demand (VOD) you can watch movies and other programs via your TV at your own convenience (within 24 hours of purchasing), without being tied to the normal television schedules. Movies, documentaries, concerts, [...]

March 9th, 2016|

What is the difference between Pay-Per-View and Video On Demand?

Pay Per View (PPV) allows you to buy a program which is available through the electronic program guide. Video On Demand (VOD) allows you to buy a program which you can watch whenever you want [...]

March 9th, 2016|

What's the difference between analog and Digital Cable?

SETAR uses advanced digital technology to provide a greater variety of channels than an analog service can offer. Digital Cable comes with a separate box through which you can enjoy a variety of programs and [...]

March 9th, 2016|

What is Pay-Per-View (PPV)?

Pay-Per-View, or PPV, allows you to pay for Adult content or Live Events that you can watch from your TV. PPV content can be purchased through the onscreen interactive programming guide.

March 9th, 2016|

What is a Digital Cable box and what does it do?

A Digital Cable box is a device which connects to your television and provides access to Digital Cable channels. With this box, you are able to make use of On-Demand and Pay-per-View options. In order to [...]

March 9th, 2016|

What are so-called HD channels?

HD stands for High Definition. HD channels show programs with a better audio and visual quality. To watch HD programming you need an HD television and an HD Digital Video Recorder or HD Box.

March 9th, 2016|

When can I use the Pay-Per-View option?

Pay-Per-View (PPV) is only available via a Digital box. Don’t have a Digital box? Then please visit any of our Teleshops to upgrade to a Digital Cable plan.

March 9th, 2016|

I get an ‘error’ message every time I want to order a Pay-Per-View (PPV). How can I solve this problem?

An error message could indicate one of the following: There is not sufficient credit on account to purchase the program and/or event. The wrong PIN is being entered into the system. The stipulated date or time [...]

March 9th, 2016|

How can I block certain TV channels?

You can put a lock on a number of channels, such as R-rated movies (Parental Control).  To block R-rated movies, do the following: Press twice on the menu button to enter the Main Menu. Select [...]

March 9th, 2016|

Can I order content by phone, or do I have to visit a Teleshop?

The easiest way to order is by using your remote control. If you are experiencing any difficulties with ordering your PPV, please call our Digital Cable Helpdesk at 5251700. Our staff will be happy to [...]

March 7th, 2016|

My Fixed Line is not working. What should I do?

If you are experiencing any problems with your Fixed Line please call our Fixed Line support at 117. If you are experiencing problems with your device then visit one of our Teleshops for more help. Please bring [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Does SETAR have a general information number?

Certainly, you can contact our Customer Service at 114. Would you like to report a malfunction or interruption of a device or service? Please call 117.

March 7th, 2016|

What happens in the event that the account holder passes away?

We understand that this is a difficult situation. In the event that an account holder passes, the customer must provide a death certificate (“overlijdensakte”) and (if applicable) the marriage certificate of the deceased.

March 7th, 2016|

What is required to make an address change?

You can request a change of address at any SETAR Teleshop.You will need to bring proof of registry of this new address (this can be obtained from Censo) and a valid identification document (ID, driver's license [...]

March 7th, 2016|

What are the requirements to apply for a SETAR service?

Are you a new customer? If so, the following applies New customers: Must be a minimum of 18 years of age Hold permanent employment Possess valid identification (ID card, driver’s license or passport) Provide proof [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Can I authorize someone else to apply for, change or terminate a service for me?

Yes, it's possible for you to arrange this through someone else. However you need to authorize them first. You can do this using one of the two authorization forms provided below. Both of these forms [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Who can I contact if there are problems with my Fixed Line?

You can contact our Customer Service at 114. For service interruptions or malfunctions please call our Fixed Line support at 117.

March 7th, 2016|

Can I block any numbers and/or services?

There are 2 possibilities for blocking numbers / services: Permanent Blocking. With Permanent Blocking calls made to mobile and international numbers are automatically barred. Subscriber Controlled Blocking. As with Permanent Blocking, calls made to mobile [...]

March 7th, 2016|

I am over 60. Does this give me any extra benefits?

Certainly. If you are over 60, you can get a discount on your subscription plan. Our special Tele60+ plan gives you more than the basic TeleBasico plan. You get the following extras: Talk & Save Subscriber [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Does SETAR charge for installing and activating a Fixed Line?

Yes, we charge for the installation and activation of a Fixed Line. The cost of this, a minimum of Afl. 100 per line, depends on your specific situation.

March 7th, 2016|

Can I change my fixed telephone number?

Yes, that's possible. This costs Afl. 60. If the change involves other persons within your family (spouse, child, parent) the cost of this change is Afl. 30.

March 7th, 2016|

Is it possible to have an unlisted number?

Yes, that's possible. This service costs Afl. 10 per month.

March 7th, 2016|

How long will it take for me to get a Fixed Line?

That depends on where you live. Our representatives can give you an estimated date when you ask at the Teleshop.

March 7th, 2016|

What is Wi-Fi?

Wireless Fidelity - Otherwise known as Wireless Networking. A transmitting antenna, usually linked to a DSL or high-speed land-based internet connection, uses radio waves to beam signals to PCs, laptops, tablets and mobile devices. A [...]

February 4th, 2016|

Digital Cable packages

Digital Cable Enhance your vision with more HD channels and an expanded lineup. Create your plan by mixing and matching your own tiers, choosing based on your preference. View Digital Cable Plans Download our [...]

February 2nd, 2016|

Why should I choose SETAR for a Mi-Fi hotspot?

SETAR LTE is Aruba’s only, fastest and most reliable LTE network. Our LTE Mi-Fi hotspot is easy to use and with more than double the bandwidth, higher peak speeds and a larger capacity than other [...]

March 9th, 2016|


Mobile Closed User Group Calling Shared Minutes Coporate & Bulk SMS Tracking & Tracing Internet & Data Corporate Internet CloudStarter Local & International Leased Lines TV Digital Cable [...]

November 2nd, 2015|

Closed User Group Calling

Closed User Group Calling Keep tabs on the costs of your business calls For a monthly fixed fee, Closed User Group Calling allows your staff to make unlimited calls and texts to each other. [...]

January 7th, 2016|


January 7th, 2016|


January 7th, 2016|


January 7th, 2016|


Cablenet plans Compose your Internet package Wi-Fi & Home Network Optimization Wireless Broadband LTE Mi-Fi Hotspot Service & contact Cablenet FAQ Wireless broadband FAQ cablenet Fastest Home Internet [...]

January 6th, 2016|

Mix and match the Digital Cable packages

January 6th, 2016|


Fixed Lines Do you make phone calls primarily from home? Would you like to enjoy affordable rates no matter how often you call? Do you like to make calls in the evening and weekends as [...]

January 6th, 2016|