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Home/Search: Comparador de seguros de coche Stockton CA llama ahora al 888-430-8975 Seguros coche online Seguros para motos baratos Agencia de seguros para autos Seguro de automotores Empresas de seguro automotor Calcular seguro vehiculo

Prepaid Promo

Recarga bo SETAR prepaid cu Recarga bo SETAR Prepaid cu y haya mas! Recarga cualkier number di SETAR Prepaid awor cu Afl. 15 y ricibi Afl. 5 [...]

May 26th, 2021|

SETAR ta lansa su Online Store

Entrante luna di maart clientenan di SETAR por cumpra varios producto, bundles y mucho mas via nos Online Store na E Online Store ta brinda oportunidad pa browse y wak devices y acesorios cu [...]

March 10th, 2021|Categories: Customer Service, SETAR|Tags: , |

SETAR History

SETAR logo, 1986-2003 SETAR logo. 2003-2016 SETAR renewed branding 2015 The history of SETAR dates back to 1986 when Aruba acquired its Status Aparte in the Dutch Kingdom. Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba (SETAR) was [...]

September 12th, 2016|

SINTERKLAAS ta di Paranda dia 3 di December henter dia na SETAR

Sinterklaas ta train caba con pa traha selfie cu su pietnan, ya cu e ta bai diasabra dia 3 di december proximo e lo ta di paranda bayendo di Teleshop pa Teleshop di SETAR. Lo [...]

November 30th, 2016|Categories: Community|Tags: , |


Self-care cu SETAR Click pa habri e imagen y lesa con nos respresentantenan por asistibo online. SETAR ta haci su maximo esfuerso pa sirbi mas cliente online via [...]

March 25th, 2020|

Parada Cultural diadomingo 28 di mei 2017 ta sali di La Cabana pa Paseo Herencia.

Durante un conferencia di Prensa teni na Paseo Herencia Pure Aruba Events Foundation hunto cu Centro di Bario Brazil a anuncia e parada cultural cu lo tuma lugar diadomingo proximo dia 28 di mei saliendo [...]

May 8th, 2017|Categories: Community|Tags: |

SINTERKLAAS hunto cu su Pietnan a haci hopi cliente di SETAR contento durante su Paranda di diasabra.

Sinterklaas a saca selfie cu su pietnan y a haci hopi cliente contento na tur e Teleshopnan di SETAR diasabra cu a pasa, durante su paranda. Tabatin weganan pa e clientenan na unda e ganadornan [...]

December 6th, 2016|Categories: Community|

SETAR y SMAC a tira lot pa e lineup di Fakkeloptocht / Parada di Flambeu 2018

Den SETAR Store a tuma lugar e tiramento di lot pa e lineup di e proximo Fakkeloptocht 2018. E secuencia ta: 1. Royal Carnaval Group 2. Empire Carnaval Group 3. Champagne Carnaval Group 4. OPC [...]


E encuesta di SETAR tin unicamente preguntanan tocante e servicio di SETAR. Entrante 1 di december 2016 SETAR lo continua cu e siguiente fase di su encuesta online entre su clientenan. Den e prome [...]

December 9th, 2016|Categories: Campaigns, Customer Service|Tags: , , |

SETAR cu encuesta online pa midi satisfaccion di cliente.

Entrante diamars dia 2 di augustus 2016, SETAR lo cuminsa cu un encuesta online como metodo di sondeo di e satisfaccion di su clientenan. Den e prome fase, clientenan postpaid cu tin un e-mail adres [...]

August 1st, 2016|Categories: Campaigns, SETAR|Tags: , |

How can I choose to receive my bills online only?

Go to MiSETAR. Log in with your user name and password. Once you are logged in, click on account management. For bill preference choose online only and follow the steps on the screen With online only you [...]

March 11th, 2016|

Protected: sample

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password:

March 13th, 2017|

SETAR a reparti 800 tablets pa scolnan secundario

Desde e yegada di Coronavirus riba nos isla, nos poblacion a wordo enfrenta cu diferente reto cu nos no ta custuma cune. Esaki entre otro a haci un impacto grandi riba nos sistema di educacion [...]

April 16th, 2021|Categories: Customer Service, SETAR App|Tags: , |


Prepaid Aruba's largest Prepaid mobile calling family Enjoy the ultimate mobile phone freedom with SETAR Prepaid. Get the device you want on the best network with no annual contact. View our Prepaid options [...]

November 2nd, 2015|


Bundles for Hybrid and Prepaid View bundles Data Bundles A SETAR Data Bundle gives you access to mobile Internet. E-mail, WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, Gaming... it's all at your [...]

November 2nd, 2015|


Hybrid Cool, Low-cost Hybrid plan With a Hybrid plan you can use our reliable LTE network for calls and enjoy a data bundle for worry free surfing. If you're switching from a Prepaid to [...]

January 6th, 2016|

SETAR cu bunita proyecto di a reparti Tablets

E aña escolar nobo a cuminsa y les online via plataformanan digital a bira e normal nobo cu nos mester custuma cune, sea como studiante, mayor of maestro. SETAR, como nos compania nacional di telecomunicacion [...]

September 15th, 2020|Categories: Community, SETAR App|Tags: , , , |

SETAR Complete Channel Lineup

Channel line-up Enhance your vision with more HD channels and great variety of our new channel lineup, scroll to view below or Download pdf 1 Video On Demand 2 CNN [...]

July 27th, 2017|

SETAR ta lansa canalnan di radio riba Cable Digital

Durante un anochi ameno na Oxygen Lounge SETAR a lansa e servicio di stacionnan di radio riba Cable Digital. Presente na e ocasion tabata gerencia di e radio stacionnan, gerencia di SETAR y e team [...]

E Bus di Creando Speransa ta sigui sorpresa cliente

Diadomingo cu a pasa e Bus di Creando Speransa di SETAR a pasa bishita e barionan di Paradera, Santa Cruz y vecindario. Hunto cu varios colega, nos a sorpresa clientenan di SETAR te na porta [...]

Tracking & Tracing

Track and Trace Whether you want to pinpoint the location of your company vehicles at any time, or if you want to navigate the Island more efficiently, we provide the right solutions. Read more about: VeTrack [...]

January 7th, 2016|

Where can I pay my bill?

At a Government auxiliary office (Hulpsbestuurkantoor): All these offices are able to accept payments for SETAR services. To make payments for any SETAR service please be sure to bring your invoice with you. At a bank: All commercial [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Pronto SETAR N.V. no ta acepta pagonan cu Cheque mas.

Relaciona cu e decision di Asociacion di Banconan di Aruba, cu entrante 1 di mei 2018 banconan local no ta acepta cheque mas, SETAR N.V. tambe ta stop di acepta cheque na su puntonan di [...]


Postpaid SETAR Postpaid offers you the most personalized mobile plans on Aruba’s Best LTE network. Choose Postpaid U for the most all-inclusive packages and the lowest calling rates on the island. View our plans: [...]

November 2nd, 2015|


General Disclaimer items are applicable to all products and services on this website. Copyright © 2000 - 2024 SETAR NV, Aruba. All website design, text, graphics, and the selection and arrangement thereof are [...]

October 31st, 2022|


Specials Information about our promotions and specials. Read more Current Specials Check back soon. Old Paga bo cobransa [...]

May 31st, 2016|

SETAR ta introduci pago di cobransa via MiSETAR cu Aruba Bank

SETAR cumpliendo cu su compromiso pa haci e bida di su clientenan mas facil, ta introduci otro manera pa haci pago di e cobransa(nan) di SETAR awor den MiSETAR. E opcion nobo aki ta haci [...]

Coleganan di SETAR a pone man hunto colecta placa pa traha pakete pa manda St. Maarten via Cruz Cora Aruba.

Diadomingo ultimo, coleganan di SETAR a bini hunto pa un “food drive effort” pa Sint Maarten. A prepara 101 caha di articulonan basico cu via Cruz Cora Aruba a manda pa Sint Maarten. E coleganan [...]

Campaña pa gana 300 florin cash cu MiSETAR ta continua pa unicamente 1 siman mas!

Esaki ta e ultimo siman den cual di e special di MiSETAR unda cu clientenan cu registra y scoge pa ricibi nan cobransa “online only” ta participa pa gana Afl. 300,- CASH! SETAR ta cosechando [...]

October 24th, 2016|Categories: Campaigns, MiSETAR|Tags: , , , |


CloudStarter The Next Generation Internet Solution for all medium sized and SOHO businesses with back-up. CloudStarter CloudStarter is a service created for the Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) that need to [...]

January 7th, 2016|

SETAR ta firma acuerdo cu SKOA pa Fiber

SETAR ta contento di anuncia cu pronto SETAR lo cuminsa on board 17 scol di SKOA riba Fiber. Durante e conferencia di prensa, SETAR y SKOA a firma acuerdo pa pone Fiber cu paketenan special [...]

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions The terms in English are for reference only. Dutch versions are legally binding unless stated otherwise. Algemene Voorwaarden Telecommunicatiediensten (Dutch) Voorwaarden Mobiele Telecommunicatiediensten (Dutch) Voorwaarden Kabeltelevisiediensten (Dutch) Voorwaarden Vaste Breedbanddiensten (Dutch) [...]

February 25th, 2016|

SETAR ta lansa su Summer Specials

E siman aki SETAR a lansa su campaña anual di Summer Specials, cu e aña aki ta den e tema di ‘Aruba den movecion’. Pa medio di e campaña aki SETAR kier apoya y enfoca [...]

June 28th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

SETAR a ofrece un workshop interactivo encuanto “Digital Marketing”

Durante e siman di 10 pa 14 di juni a tuma lugar e tayer “Silver Entrepreneurship Workshop” organisa pa Desaroyo pa Empresa Arubano (IDEA) caminda a ofrece diferente workshops pa personanan, en special pensionadonan, cu [...]

Security Management Systems

Security Management Systems Taking corporate care to a higher level. Security Management System SETAR’s integrated Security Management System is characterized by a smart combination of security disciplines within a single [...]

January 7th, 2016|

Entrante 1 di december por WhatsApp SETAR na 597 9999

Entrante 1 di december 2016, SETAR lo habri un liña special riba cual clientenan por manda mensahe via WhatsApp pa nan haya asistencia. Algun cos cu SETAR lo asisti cliente via di WhatsApp riba e [...]

November 30th, 2016|Categories: Customer Service|Tags: , , , |

Corporate Internet

Corporate Internet Taking Corporate Networks to a higher level. We offer you business solutions that are reliable, faster and more efficient. Corporate Internet Web browsing, online applications, online commerce, [...]

January 7th, 2016|


Postpaid Regular Add-ons View our Add-ons Surf & Mail Add-on Want to enjoy high speed LTE data on your phone? Facebook, Whatsapp and stream music for only Afl. [...]

November 2nd, 2015|

How can I register/apply for an IPTV subscription?

You can register via our IPTV Online Store; click here and follow the steps. Note: Only new customers can register for an IPTV subscription plan Online. Existing customers with a Digital Cable plan must go [...]

November 21st, 2022|

How long are Tourist Bundles Valid? and how do I [re-]purchase?

Validity of the Tourist Bundles Setar offers two (2) different bundles with different validity periods. The first bundle is valid for seven (7) days while the second bundle is valid for fourteen (14) days. Validity [...]

November 19th, 2023|

Tecnologia Digital pa Adultonan Mayor y Envehecimento Saludabel

Desde 17 di mei 1965, nos ta celebra “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day”. E dia aki tambe ta marca e fundacion di e International Communication Union (ITU) cu ta specialisa den tecnologianan di informacion [...]

Wireless Broadband

Wireless Home Internet Share and connect with your friends everywhere you go, now with more data and speed. View our plans: Postpaid  and Prepaid Postpaid Plans Enjoy your [...]

January 29th, 2016|

SETAR partner principal di SMAC y Musica

SETAR recientemente a firma un contract cu tanto e organizacion di SMAC y MUSICA. Manera ta conoci, tur dos organisacion ta hunga un rol importante pa e exito di nos Carnaval 63 y SETAR ta [...]

Awe mainta durante trabounan riba Watty Vos Boulevard a causa daño riba cable principal di cable tv y internet

Awe mainta trahando riba e proyecto di Watty Vos Boulevard a causa daño na un cabel principal, causando un storing riba e servicio di internet y cable. Esaki a pone, cu varios bario na Aruba [...]

May 25th, 2018|Categories: Alerts, SETAR App|

2 di Juli: SETAR ta informa trabaonan di mantencion riba su Mobile Network

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di mantencion lo por tin interupcion di nos Mobile Network: Diamars 2 di juli 2024 di 12.00 AM pa 1:00 AM Den area nan Pos Chiquito(un parti),Balashi, Mahuma, [...]

“Aruba Island TakeOver” lo bira un evento feniminal pa ARUBA y SETAR lo forma parti di dje!

SETAR ta contento di por forma parti y contribui na e magno evento di “Aruba Island TakeOver 2018”. Durante un conferencia di prensa a anuncia cu e artistanan J Balvin, Bad Bunny cu Alex Sensation [...]

SETAR ta entrega premio na diferente ganadornan di eleccion di Carnaval

Manera ta custumber SETAR ta haci entrega di premio tur aña na diferente ganadornan di eleccion di Carnaval. Dialuna ultimo, SETAR a invita e ganadornan di Prins y Pancho Infantil, Hubenil y Grandi, Tumberito Infantil [...]

January 30th, 2020|Categories: Carnaval 66, SETAR, SETAR App|Tags: , , |

Hour of Code 2016: Kico ta e “Hour of Code”?

Hour of code den tur klas ta un movimiento mundial cu tur aña ta keda organisa den cuadro di e siman di educacion di computer ( Computer Science Education Week). Aki ta na unda [...]

SETAR ta informa trabounan di mantencion.

Dialuna 10 di mei 2021 di 12:00 AM pa 3:00 AM Barionan afecta lo ta: • NUÑE(un parti) • PARADERA( un parti) • SCHOTLANDSTRAAT (un parti) • BELGIESTRAAT ( un parti) • IERLANDSTRAAT( un parti) [...]

Relato FSTT Bingo Fundraising Event

Dia 29 di october ultimo FSTT tabata tin su grandioso Fundraising Event pa sostene Cruz Cora Aruba y FSTT nan trabao pa comunidad di Aruba. Cu hopi satisfaccion ta wak cu un anochi sumamente agradabel [...]

November 3rd, 2016|Categories: FSTT, SETAR|Tags: , , , |

SETAR ta informa trabounan di mantencion di servicio di Fibernet, Voip, Cable TV, CloudStarter y SIP Trunking.

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di mantencion lo por tin interupcion di servicio di Fibernet, Voip, Cable TV, CloudStarter y SIP Trunking. Diamars 4 di mei 2021 di 12:00 AM pa 5:00 [...]

SETAR ta informa trabounan di mantencion di servicio di Fibernet, Voip, Cable TV, CloudStarter y SIP Trunking.

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di mantencion lo por tin interupcion di servicio di Fibernet, Voip, Cable TV, CloudStarter y SIP Trunking. Diabierna 16 di april 2021 di 12:00 AM pa 5:00 [...]

“Hour of Code” buscando mas boluntario pa e siman di 5 pa 9 di december proximo.

Por aplica como boluntario diasabra durante IPA DAG Preparacionnan ta den full swing pa e Hour of Code na Aruba pero mester di mas boluntario. E reaccion di e scolnan cu e participacion na e [...]

SETAR ta informa trabounan di mantencion

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di mantencion lo por surgi interupcion di servicio di: Mobile Data (Discricto di Santa Cruz, Oranjestad y Paradera) Fibernet (Districto di Santa Cruz y Noord) VOIP (Districto [...]

Pa prome bes un “Education Reboot” pa docente.

Mayan dia 18 di october lo tuma lugar pa prome lo organisa un AVO Conference (Education Reboot). Esaki lo ta un oportunidad unico pa docentenan haya un briefing di e rol di tecnologia den educacion [...]

SETAR N.V. a logra recertifica pa e ISO/IEC 27001 version nobo 2022

Den e ultimo lunanan SETAR tabata prepara pa recertifica SETAR pa e standard di ISO/IEC 27001. ISO/IEC 27001 ta un standard internacional cu ta prescribi ‘best practices’ pa forma un Information Security Management System (ISMS) [...]

Trabounan di mantencion lo tuma lugar awe diamars mei anochi.

Setar ta informa cu pa motibo di mantencion riba e plataforma di Internet, entre diamars mei anochi (dia 7 di juni 2016) pa diaranzon 4or di mainta (dia 8 di juni 2016) tin interupcion di [...]

June 7th, 2016|Categories: Alerts|Tags: , , , , , , , |

SETAR ta informa trabounan di mantencion di servicio di Cablenet y IPTV

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di mantencion lo por tin interupcion di servicio di Cablenet y IPTV: Dialuna 5 di juni 2023 di 12:00 AM pa 5:00 AM Districto di Savaneta, Paradera y [...]

“Confiansa den bo mes” tabata e topico di SETAR Business Event 2017

Durante e “Business Event 2017” director di SETAR, Roland Croes, a repasa e prestacion di e compania SETAR, durante 2016 den presencia di invitadonan. E retonan pa 2017 ta continua cu constante desaroyonan nobo na [...]

SETAR sumamente satisfecho cu e logro di MUSICA

Durante e conferencia di prensa teni door di Stichting MUSICA sra. Shahaira Labad hefe di mercadeo di SETAR a expresa e satisfacción cu den un tempo hopi cortico después di Carnaval, ya a ricibi e [...]

SETAR a haci entrega di premionan na ganadornan di eventonan di SMAC

Diamars atardi, SETAR a organisa un evento special pa e ganadornan di eventonan di SMAC acompaña pa representantenan di e Directiva di SMAC y nan famia. Cada ganador, esta Prins y Pancho Infantil, Hubenil y [...]

SETAR ta estrena su KIOSK nobo na AAA

Diaranzon atardi, SETAR a estrena un kiosk cu un concepto totalmente nobo na nos airport. E kiosk aki ta e prome punto di benta di SETAR cu ta habri cu e diseño nobo aki. Un [...]

SETAR ta informa trabounan di mantencion di servicio di Cablenet

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di mantencion lo por surgi interupcion di servicio di Cablenet: 10 di februari 2022 di 12:00 AM pa 1:00 AM Districto di Paradera y Santa Cruz SETAR ta [...]

STT y SETAR a firma un protocol

Actualmente den e crisis relaciona cu Coronavirus, gran parti di comercio y empleadonan cu a perde empleo den sector priva na Aruba ta pasando den momentonan dificil. Di cuminsamento STT a para semper pa e [...]

April 30th, 2020|Categories: Community|

Creando Speransa Bus Tour di SETAR a ranca sali

SETAR e aña aki lo ta bishitando varios barionan rond di nos isla pa sorpresa clientenan di SETAR cu premionan atractivo te na porta di nan cas hunto cu e ambiente di fin di aña. [...]

SETAR ta informa trabounan di mantencion di servicio di Fibernet, Voice, SIP Trunk y Fiber TV.

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di mantencion lo por tin interupcion di servicio di Fibernet, Voice, SIP Trunk y Fiber TV. Diamars 29 di september 2020 di 12:00 AM pa 4:00 AM [...]

Bukinan di Telefon 2018 reparti pa tur cas na Aruba

Durante e dianan aki e Buki di Telefon 2018 ta keda reparti pa tur casnan y negoshinan rond Aruba. Post Aruba NV ta haci entrega di e buki telefonnan via adres of postbus. SETAR ta [...]

SETAR ta instala centralnan nobo pa yamadanan di celular

Un di e metanan di SETAR ta pa por garantisa cu su infrastructura di comunicacion pa yamadanan di celular ta disponibel na tur momento, p’asina su clientenan por haci uzo di esaki. Pa por realisa [...]

SETAR, CMB y ATA a uni pa presenta un ATECH Conference 2016 pa kibra tur record!

Durante un conferencia di prensa recientemente, e team di ATECH hunto cu Setar, CMB y ATA e main sponsornan, a anuncia e gran conferencia di ATECH cu lo tuma lugar dianan 15, 16 y 17 [...]

August 18th, 2016|Categories: SETAR|Tags: , , , , , |

SETAR ta informa trabounan di mantencion di servicio di Cablenet

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di mantencion lo por surgi interupcion di servicio di Cablenet: 8 di september 2020 di 12:30 AM pa 2:30 AM Districto di Oranjestad, Santa Cruz, Paradera y [...]

SETAR ta invita un y tur pa e “X-Man Celebration” na Carnaval Village diasabra proximo!

Como un orguyo grandi SETAR a uni cu Gobierno di Aruba y Aruba Tourism Authority pa organiza un evento pa asina celebra e logro grandi di nos beisbolista estelar Xander Bogaerts. Recientemente (28 di october) [...]

November 7th, 2018|Categories: Community, SETAR App|Tags: , , , , , , |

Data Center Services

Data Center Taking Corporate Care to a higher level. SETAR’s portfolio of high-end products and services ensure excellent results for its customers at the lowest possible costs. With enterprise-class solutions, extensive in-house [...]

January 7th, 2016|


Wi-Fi Aruba Get high-speed Wi-Fi Internet access on your laptop, tablet or Smartphone at several Hotspots on the network with the largest Wi-Fi coverage on the island, including restaurants, bars and even on the [...]

January 7th, 2016|

What is a Mi-Fi hotspot?

A Mi-Fi hotspot allows you to connect several Wi-Fi devices (laptop/tablet, smartphone, etc.) at any one time to the Internet, wherever you are. Our Mi-Fi hotspot enables you be online in your car, at a [...]

March 9th, 2016|

Service & contact

Welcome to SETAR Support We are here to help. If you have a question, please visit one of our stores or contact us. Need our help? Contact Us. Need help [...]

November 4th, 2015|

Can I pay my bills through MiSETAR?

Yes. MiSETAR customers with Aruba Bank Text Banking are able to pay their bills using the pay with Aruba Bank feature in MiSETAR. For instructions on how to activate and use the service please view [...]

March 9th, 2016|

How can I apply for a Pick & Choose?

Register via our Online Store; Visit, and follow the steps or visit one of our Teleshops for further personal assistance. For more information, call 127 or email us at

July 2nd, 2023|

SETAR ta mantene su maneho di brinda servicio

Durante e temporada dificil aki di Coronavirus ta importante pa nos mantene nos mes na reglanan di Social Distancing y tambe evita aglomeracion. Pa e motibo aki, SETAR ta mantene e lista di maneho adopta [...]

“Youth Tech Event”, un evento grandi di SETAR pa e hubentud di Aruba.

Hopi yamada y pregunta a yega na SETAR pa sa di e fecha 13-4-2019 y kico e ta nifica y te cu diamars ultimo durante un rueda di prensa esaki a keda divulga. SETAR como [...]

March 13th, 2019|Categories: Events, SETAR App|

SETAR aportando na e Proyecto Hunto Grandi, Grandi Hunto

Siman pasa a cuminsa e prome fase di e Proyecto Hunto Grandi, Grandi Hunto di Fundacion Movimento ta Bida. E proyecto aki ta enfoca riba e desaroyo continuo y digital pa nos poblacion 60+ na [...]

What will happen to my current SETAR Services if I switch to Pick & Choose?

If you choose to switch to “Pick & Choose” from your current SETAR Services, it is important to note that the package price for “Pick & Choose” may be different from what you are currently [...]

July 3rd, 2023|

SETAR: Ultimo dia pa haci cambio pa Buki Telefon 2023 ta 30 di juli 2022

Si e nomber di un negoshi of di un cliente no ta aparece corectamente den e buki di telefon, clientenan tin chens pa haci cambio pa e Buki di Telefon 2023. Pa haci e cambionan [...]

Ayudo cu registracion pa MiSETAR

Cuminsando awe nos lo bay tin 2 persona den Teleshop Seroe Blanco pa yuda tur cliente registra pa MiSETAR. Esaki ta sin cu bo mester coy number y bo lo ricibi un regalo chikito!   Probecha [...]

July 4th, 2016|Categories: Campaigns|Tags: , |

SETAR cu donacion pa Biblioteca Nacional Aruba

Nos compania nacional di Telecomunicacion, SETAR, a haci un donacion di 30 computer nobo na biblioteca diaranson mainta. Entrega oficial a bay den presencia di SETAR su representante sra. Kimberly Boekhoudt y directora di Biblioteca [...]

Diabierna 30 di juli ta ultimo dia pa haci cambio pa e Buki di Telefon 2022

Si e nomber di un negoshi of di un cliente no ta aparece corectamente den e buki di telefon, clientenan tin chens pa haci cambio pa e Buki di Telefon 2022. Pa haci e cambionan [...]

July 14th, 2021|Categories: Community, SETAR App|Tags: , , |

SETAR: Contribuyendo na e conocemento digital di nos poblacion 60+

SETAR, nos compania nacional di telecomunicacion, ta contento di por a partner cu Fundacion Movimento ta Bida pa trece e bunita proyecto di Hunto Grandi, Grandi Hunto pa nos poblacion 60+ na Aruba. Un proyecto [...]

Diabierna 31 di juli ta ultimo dia pa haci cambio pa e Buki di Telefon 2021

Si e nomber di un negoshi of di un cliente no ta aparece corectamente den e buki di telefon, clientenan tin chens pa haci cambio pa e Buki di Telefon 2021. Pa haci e cambionan [...]

How can I manage my Wi-Fi at home?

Download the SETAR Home Internet app to manage your Wi-Fi usage. My Network In my Network, you can view the different Wi-Fi components that creates the Mesh Network. You can see if all Set-top Boxes [...]

November 21st, 2022|

Setar ta coopera cu Censo2020

SETAR ta pone tablets na disposicion di Oficina Central di Estadistica pa Censo 2020. Asina aki por monitorea e progreso di e conteo y tambe sostene y guia hogarnan na Aruba p’asina nan por yena [...]

September 8th, 2020|Categories: Community, SETAR, SETAR App|Tags: , , |

SETAR N.V. ta lansa su website completamente nobo!

SETAR, e compania cu ta ofrece tur servicio y producto den telecomunicacion na Aruba a lansa un website completamente nobo. E website ta den 2 idioma: Papiamento y Ingles. E ta bin cu un diseño [...]

May 19th, 2016|Categories: SETAR|Tags: , , , , |

SETAR a lanza su campaña di Fin di Aña

Tur aña, yegando e temporada di december, clientenan ta wardando yen di anticipación pa e campaña di fin di aña di SETAR. E aña aki sigur no ta excepción. Durante e programa Magia di Pasco [...]


Roaming All you need to know about Calling, SMS and Data Roaming. Roaming allows you to use your mobile phone abroad while billed by SETAR. Our Roaming plans are available [...]

July 27th, 2016|


SETAR Prepaid Card Photography Contest Contest Rules  Please read the following rules before submitting your photo(s) to SETAR Prepaid Card Photography contest. By participating in the contest, you acknowledge that you’ve [...]

March 29th, 2022|


      TERMS AND CONDITIONS MiSETAR self-service portal is operated by Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba (SETAR) N.V. (hereinafter: “SETAR”). Your use of MiSETAR is subject to these terms and conditions. By using MiSETAR [...]

September 14th, 2023|

Te cu dialuna 1 Augustus 2016 tin chens pa haci cambio di nomber pa e Buki di Telefon 2017

E aña aki por haci cambionan pa buki di Telefon te cu dialuna 1 augustus 2016. Si e nomber di negoshi of di cliente no ta aparece of no ta corectamente den buki di telefoon, [...]

July 21st, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

SETAR su Business Event e aña aki cu enfoke riba “Change”.

Diahuebs anochi SETAR a organisa su Business Event 2023 na Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino. E di 17 edicion di e Business Event tabata tin como topico “Building courage to wade into the neverending [...]

Service & contact

Welcome to SETAR Support We are here to help. If you have a question, please browse the topics below or contact us. Show topics Select the topic you need [...]

November 2nd, 2015|

Summer 2020

Enjoy Free Movies Tur siman, te cu fin di Augustus, lo saca 10 cliente cu lo ricibi 3 FREE Movie ( t.w.v. Afl. 35,-). Con pa participa lo wordo anuncia [...]

July 6th, 2020|


Welcome to SETAR Support We are here to help. If you have a question, please browse the topics below or contact us. Show topics Select the topic you need [...]

February 22nd, 2016|