Postpaid Rates

Home/Postpaid Rates

Roaming Rates - Pay as you go

Roaming rates are divided into three (3) zones: Zone 1: United States (continental) Netherlands Colombia Curaçao Bonaire Zone 2: Albania Anguilla Antigua Argentina Australia Barbados Belgium Brazil British Virgin Islands Canada Costa Rica Denmark Dominica [...]

January 20th, 2025|

Postpaid U Local Rates - 2022 Plans

Plan Min S-S Mobile & Fixed Min Intl. & other providers SMS S-S Mobile Data Roaming Data Out-of-bundle Rates Out-of-bundle rates Other Providers Out-of-bundle rates Roaming Data Afl. 120 6000* 100 1000* 30 GB 500 [...]

November 2nd, 2022|

Postpaid U Local rates - Old Plans

Plan Min S-S Mobile Min Intern & S fixed & other providers SMS S-S Data Out-of-bundle rates Out-of-bundle rates other providers Afl. 111 3000* 100 1000* 12 GB 0,53/0,37  0,64/0,48 Afl. 132 3000* 150 1000* [...]

June 26th, 2016|

Postpaid International - Rest of the World

Schedule Standard Reduced Global Mobile Satellite Systems 1 11,30 11,30 Inmarstat 1 11,30 11,30 Rest of the World 1 1,85 1,85 Schedule: No Reduction hours Reduction Daily from Mon - Fri 20:00 - 08:00 and [...]

March 30th, 2016|

Postpaid International - Asia

Schedule Standard Reduced China 2 0,40 0,32 India 2 0,81 0,65 Philippines 2 0,81 0,65 Schedule: No Reduction hours Reduction Daily from Mon - Fri 20:00 - 08:00 and Weekend Fri - Mon 20:00 - [...]

March 30th, 2016|

Postpaid International - Europe

Schedule Standard Reduced Belgium 3 1,85 1,48 France 3 1,85 1,48 Germany 3 1,85 1,48 Italy 3 1,85 1,48 Netherlands Fixed 3 0,77 0,66 Netherlands Mobile 3 1,07 0,89 Portugal 3 1,85 1,48 Spain 3 [...]

March 30th, 2016|

Postpaid International - Caribbean

Schedule Standard Reduced Barbados 2 1,85 1,48 Cuba 2 1,85 1,44 Dominican Republic Fixed 2 0,56 0,44 Dominican Republic Mobile 2 0,73 0,63 French Antilles 2 1,85 1,48 Grenada 2 1,85 1,48 Haiti 2 1,98 [...]

March 30th, 2016|

Postpaid International - South America

Schedule Standard Reduced Argentina 2 1,85 1,48 Brazil 2 0,64 0,53 Chile 2 1,85 1,48 Colombia Fixed 2 0,64 0,53 Colombia Mobile 2 0,64 0,53 Ecuador 2 1,85 1,48 Guyana 2 1,85 1,48 Peru Fixed [...]

March 30th, 2016|

Postpaid International - Central America

Schedule Standard Reduced Costa Rica 2 1,85 1,48 Mexico 2 1,85 1,48 Panama 2 1,85 1,48 Schedule: No Reduction hours Reduction Daily from Mon - Fri 20:00 - 08:00 and Weekend Fri - Mon 20:00 [...]

March 30th, 2016|

Postpaid International - North America

Schedule Standard Reduced Canada 2 0,56 0,44 USA - Alaska 2 1,85 1,48 USA - Continental 2 0,64 0,53 USA - Hawaii 2 1,85 1,48 Schedule: No Reduction hours Reduction Daily from Mon - Fri [...]

March 30th, 2016|

Postpaid Regular Local rates - Old Plans

Plan Free Min Free SMS Free MB Out-of-bundle rates Out-of bundle rates other providers 60+ Afl. 28 90 35 1 0,61/0,37 0,71/0,48 1 Afl. 28 60 25 1 0,61/0,37 0,71/0,48 2 Afl. 38 90 35 [...]

March 30th, 2016|